Food Co-op

Whether in the spiritual or physical plane “we are what we eat”. All our energy is ultimately sourced from food. The nutritional value of the food we eat, its ecological and social costs (the chemicals and processes used in growing it, the distance it travels before reaching our plates), and our relationship to the producers – all affect us.

The food co-op. aims to create, promote and sustain a healthy, vibrant community that supports ecologically sustainable farming and local farmers.

  • To cooperatively procure wholesome and organic food from sources that are as close to the producer as possible
  • To promote consumption of healthful traditional and local varieties of crops
  • To promote greater understanding of production processes and connection to the source of our food
  • To promote greater understanding between consumer and producer via regular interactions, farm visits, and hands-on work

We plan to include community activities such as pot-luck meals and cooking together, using traditional less popular millets, greens and other nutritional varieties.

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